Food & Water Watch

Governor Newsom: Shut Aliso Down!

It’s now been nearly two years since the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) mapped out possible timelines to shut down Aliso Canyon, site of the largest gas blowout in U.S. history. But the Commission has not moved to make this happen.

Instead, despite Governor Newom’s promises to shut Aliso down, the CPUC has repeatedly increased gas storage at Aliso Canyon and just released a preliminary decision that could leave the facility open indefinitely. Day after day, the community living near this dangerous facility is still suffering the aftermath of the largest methane gas blowout in United States history.

We need Governor Newsom to step up and keep his promise of expediting the closure of Aliso Canyon.

Take action before the CPUC finalizes plans for Aliso on December 19.

Tell Governor Newsom to protect the safety of Los Angeles residents by finalizing a timeline to close Aliso Canyon by 2027.


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